Hello and good evening! -Shinigami- made her cosplay ready to day... I mean the costume. The kusanagi and the fuma shuriken are almost done and I think I could start telling about them. For a while ago I visited Ciel (my friend) and we decided to make the shuriken ready. We almost made it but not everything... At home I had to make a few amendments to it. With Ciel we didn´t make anything to the kusanagi but at home I made it too (my father helped me). All I have to do is painting them ready - and there´s not much to do!
Ciel ja hänen kaunis jalkansa ^^/Ciel with her beautiful foot ^^ |
Sensuroi sitten itsensä.../I guess she censored herself... |
Näillä sitten maalattiin! ^/I painted it with these! ^ |
Ja tämä muuntui tästä.../And this got transformation from this... |
![]() |
...tähän./...to this. |
And with that pic I can start to tell about the costume itself. The thing in the pic is the ropebelt that I made from the real rope and then covered it with purple fabric. My shirt wast pretty easy to do but then the problems beginned. Sasuke has that piece of fabric on his trousers and it was the troublemaker this time - much more that was needed... In the end I didn´t know should I have cried or laughed. I guess that my brains were still on their holiday.
Puhun tuosta kangaskappaleesta./I´m speaking of that piece of fabric. |
My shoes are almost ready too. All I have to do is paint them too and then they´re ready. I think I´ll post some pictures after my shuriken and my kusanagi are ready and I guess it´ll be 'only pictures'-update.
Mutta, koska olen nukkunut aivan liian vähän, taidan tehdä tässä kohtaa itselleni palveluksen ja mennä nukkumaan. Öitä, ja nähkää mukavia conipaniikkiunia! >:D
But, because I´ve slept way too little I guess I´ll do a favore to myself and try to get some sleep. Good night and see nice nighmares about Animecon! >:D
(And I´m sorry if there are any confusing typos again. ^^")
Ah, miun jalkani....se on....niin kaunis D:
VastaaPoistaJoo, huomaa taas, et kuka on kävelly viikon paljain jaloin, koska kesä :D
Totta kai se on kaunis (ja kyllä, mie olen menossa sinne nukkumaan ennen ko kysyt, tsekkasin vaan muiden blogauksia tässä ja vilkasin sitte viel tämänki) :"D Hahaha... En sentään pistäny sitä kuvaa siitä maitopurkista jonka avasit (Y)
Poistaja se maitopurkki kääntys salakavalasti miun kädessä toisinpäin !! DD:
Seli seli! :DD Vois pistää sen kuvan johonki muuhun postaukseen... :"D