Since the gods of weather were finally on my side, I decided to make a new (non-sponsored) circle lens review. This time I'll review
Super Pinky Green, my first green circle lenses. Let's go!
The vials of the lenses. |
The lenses in their vials. |
Base curve: 8.6 mm
Diameter: 14.8 mm
Water content: 45 %
Life span: 1 year
Quite basic lenses according to the measures, just a bit larger than
Sweet Bliss Brown lenses I reviewed in July (the water content is a bit bigger also).
Let's say that these lenses were ordered for my Tetsuhiro Morinaga cosplay (which I definitely will make in the future) but I just couldn't resist checking out if these lenses will really be good for that one.
By the way, a tip; don't insert the lenses into your eyes straight after opening the vials, especially if you have sensitive eyes - the solution in the vials makes at least my eyes water and hurt. I don't know if everybody reacts to the original solution like that but I don't recommend testing it either. Let them soak in a new solution at least for a few hours.
One lens in, notice the enlargement. I had to take this picture with a flash though, thanks camera for not co-operating... |
Like I had thought, these lenses have pretty much the same enlargement than Sweet Bliss Brown lenses. Inserting them wasn't a lot different either; I could really feel these in my eyes, especially in my left eye, straight after inserting them. Luckily the scratchy feeling disappeared quite soon, in fifteen minutes or so (and yes, I checked if there was anything wrong with the lens itself but there were no flaws or any dirt in it).
The first couple of hours went quite smoothly but during the third hour I had these in my eyes they begun to blur my vision and I couldn't see clearly. Later, after almost four hours they begun to feel dry. This might have something to do with the fact that my eyes are still under the "as dry as Sahara" effect...
After 4,5 - 5 hours I decided to take these off since the blur and the scratchy feeling (caused by the dryness) begun to irritate me to no end.
The color of these lenses is something in between forest green and olive green - can't actually describe it better. There's also the semi-thick dark grey limbal ring but in my eyes it seems to disappear somewhere making these look a bit more unnatural than they already are (because of the enlargement). The design itself, however, is quite basic and relatively natural.
But yes, some lens photos!
Note; I have blue/grey/green eyes myself - in other words, light-colored eyes. My natural eye color blended to the lens color almost perfectly, that's something I actually liked!
The last three photos ©
Gure (thank you very much), otherwise the photographer: yours truly. Pictures aren't edited. They were taken on quite cloudy day in December.
Yellow light without a flash. |
Indoors, natural light (facing the window). |
Indoors, bathroom light (for some reason the bathroom light was almost red, wtf). |
Indoors, with a flash. |
Indoors, under the fluorescent lamp. |
Outdoors, facing the (almost non-existent) sun. |
Outdoors, back against the sun. |
Distance photo. |
- I rate the color 7/10 - who wouldn't enjoy this rather vivid green? But, when thinking about Morinaga, these lenses might be just a bit too light. I could still use these for that cosplay but I'm also keeping my eyes open if some other options appear.
- The design is 8,5/10 - they're quite natural, the color blends nicely with the light eye color at least. The limbal ring could be darker though, the dark grey ring seems to disappear somewhere in my opinion.
- The comfort... 6,5/10. I could feel these when inserting them into my eyes and after a few hours they begun to feel pretty dry. They also blurred my vision quite a bit. I've had lenses with worse comfort too but wearing these wasn't very enjoyable either. But, like I said before, my eyes were dry before inserting the lenses so the lack of comfort might be because of it.
- I think that the naturalness is 8/10, quite average. The enlarging effect makes them look a bit unnatural but the color and the design save quite much. Personally I think that in a crowded place (in a city for example) people would notice these but not think about it too much.
- The enlargement is 9/10 - I mean, look at the third pic. :DD
Got any questions? Ask in the comment box, contact me on social media or send me an e-mail!
These look pretty on you! The green color blends rather naturally with your eyes. :)
VastaaPoistaBy the way, this lens series is really nostalgic for me because it's the first circle lenses I ever tried, although I started with the violet and then the red. :D I do have the green ones as well but haven't opened them yet!
Thank you! :) I think so too, it was pretty nice surprise when I inserted the lenses into my eyes. ^^
PoistaOh, nice! :DD Didn't actually know that (or perhaps you've mentioned it before but you know how easily I forget things ^^") :3
I'm looking forward to hearing your opinion about the green lenses when you open them! :)
They look great on you, man! I really appreciate the review since I've been considering these for a cosplay, soo thanks! \(^u^)/
VastaaPoistaThank you! :)
PoistaYou're very welcome, hopefully this review helps you at least a bit with making a decision! c: