Hello everyone~!
It's time for another circle lens review~
This time I'll review a pair of MAX Elegance Tri-Tone Gray lenses. To be honest it took me quite a while to form an opinion about these ones. Why? Keep on reading to get the answer!
Photos are taken by Shiro Samurai, thanks a lot! ^^
And yes, these pics were taken a while ago too, oops.
Important note: I got these lenses from someone who totally lost interest in wearing and reviewing circle lenses. These lenses had a wrong prescription for me and I think that these were close to their expiration date/already expired so I can not grade the comfort. However, I will say a few words about the comfort in general - pretty much my first impression of these. Remember: wearing lenses that are past their expiration date/broken/have the wrong prescription for you is a dangerous thing to do and it can damage your eyes for good so seriously, don't do it. I wore these lenses for half an hour and then threw them away so I had these on only for this review. Thank you.
And, once again, this circle lens review is non-sponsored.
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The vials of the lenses. |
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The lenses in their vials. |
Base curve: 8,6 mm
Diameter: 15 mm
Water content: 42 %
Life span: 1 year (I recommend 6 months)
Inserting these was pretty easy. The right lens irritated my eye a bit at first though but it settled after a while. After that I barely felt these in my eyes. These were also pretty thin and overall comfortable to wear; had these not been expired I probably would have worn these a few more times.
One lens in to show the enlargement. |
Ooooookay. I think these look even a bit creepy due to the enlargement effect - these sure do deliver! To be honest I didn't really have that high hopes for the enlargement since, well, a 15 mm diameter isn't really
that big - especially not when compared to many I.Fairy lenses which have the diameter of 16,2 mm. But, as you can see, the effect is actually very notable.
For some reason these lenses seem to give my eyes even a bit... Feral look, and I'm not sure if that's a bad or a good thing lol. In my opinion these look a bit unsettling in my eyes.
The color took me by surprise. When I saw these in vials I remember thinking "well, these don't actually look gray, but maybe they will when I insert these". What I sure didn't expect was a color bordering on light blue! To be honest I felt a bit disappointed at this point. The color sure is beautiful and I can think of a few mythical creatures (for example mermaids and unicorn gijinkas) it could work for but it really doesn't deliver the color that is actually stated in the name of these lenses. Well, there is some gray in these but... I don't know, all I see is blue lol. But hey, at least they work well together with light-colored eyes (as you can see, my eyes are mostly gray)!
The print is actually pretty nice even though it doesn't work for me that well. These actually made me think of winter and cracking ice. The print makes it possible for your own eye color to show through a bit but not too much. What I really do like about these lenses that these have pretty thin limbal ring - had it been any thicker these lenses would have gone to the "creepy af" category.
I'd say that these would work pretty well for mythical creature (inspired) costumes for example! However, otherwise I don't really see MAX Elegance Tri-Tone Gray as a cosplay lens.
Honestly, it took me half an eternity to actually form an opinion what I really do think about these lenses. They're very beautiful and unique in their own way, however these don't really deliver the color they promise (at least not in light-colored eyes) and they look a bit too creepy for my taste. So yeah, still don't really know - except that I like these more than I dislike them.
To the lens photos it is!
These pics were taken on a half-cloudy midwinter day. These haven't been filtered in any way, they've only been re-sized.
Natural roomlight. |
Bathroom light. |
Flash photo. |
Facing window. |
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Back against the sun. |
Facing the sun while standing under a shadow. |
Facing the sun. |
From the distance. |
- The color is 7/10. It's quite beautiful and even unique in some way - however I couldn't call these gray even if my life depended on it.
- The design is 7/10. Not the most creative out there but beautiful in its own way. Gives my eyes a stern and feral look though - not sure if good or not.
- The opacity is 7/10. These lenses let my own eye color through quite a bit if you ask me - that might be because of the design but yeah, not the most opaque lens out there.
- The naturalness is 3/10. I mean, the color kind of is natural, however the design and enlargement effect make these look quite unnatural.
- The enlargement is 9/10 - a lot more enlarging than I expected!
So that's it for now~!
Even though I'm still not sure if I like these ones or not I would be interested in trying out the other colors from this lens series, especially the gold ones. Maybe in the future! 💛
There are still many lens reviews to come so if you like these, stay tuned~
Until next time.
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