sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2024

Alicia mini photoshoot


I know I said in my last post that the next post would be my Nekocon 2024 summary. However, change of plans since I got my Alicia mini photoshoot pictures from my photographer (none other than Shiro Samurai, thank you once again <3) and decided to post these now! 

I plan on photoshooting Alicia in the near future again since we were pretty short on time when we took the pics - hence why mini photoshoot. I think we literally had like 10 mins to take these pics so yeah, considering that we got surprisingly many good photos!

And now: the pics.

Character: Alicia (or Aliisa in Finnish)
Series: Moominvalley (the original animation series)
Cosplayer: yours truly
Photographer: Shiro Samurai


Tbh I don't even recognize myself from this pic.

Fun detail fact: the pendant of the necklace is actually a rose quartz piece to bring some witchy vibes to the costume - after all Alicia studies to become a witch.

Aaaand the obligatory blooper pic in which I look like I wanna sue the taxi company for something xD


So yeah, here are the pics of this shoot~!

The next post will surely be the Nekocon 2024 summary - that just might bring some more witchy vibes to this blog... 👀
And yes I'm trying to write that asap since I have way too much content just laying around 🆘

Until next time.


sunnuntai 18. elokuuta 2024

Kummacon 2024 - "I identify as Canada"

And to the next summary we go! This time I'm actually writing this summary on the very same year the con was held - a huge improvement! ":D"

Okay, enough with the sarcasm and let's get to the point - namely Kummacon 2024 which was a bit different convention for me, mainly because I had actually applied and gotten approved to work as a cosplay competition judge! 

Con building, entrance view. It was nice and sunny for the whole weekend!

Kummacon 2024 was held on 18th-19th of May 2024 in Oulu, more specifically in Oulu's International School - just like in previous year. My companion - and photographer - for the con was Shiro Samurai. We both had volunteered to work at the con, he as a green room volunteer and I as cosplay competition judge.
We left for Oulu by train on Friday before the con. I like traveling by trains; it's one of the most easy ways to move from place A to place B and it's also ecological (and also economical). So yeah, me gusta.

You see, we had decided to sell some of our stuff on KummaKirppis; both of us have been into cosplay, reading manga etc. for 10+ years now (I'd like to say 15+ years now) and that means a lot of unnecessary stuff had gathered in our apartments - by unnecessary I mean for example manga we didn't read anymore, games we didn't play anymore etc. So we figured: why not to try to sell at least some of the stuff? Someone could find what they were looking for - and we could get rid of the stuff that seriously doesn't even fit anywhere in any logical way.
But transporting all that by train, not to mention our bags, PS5, a monitor etc.? 0/5, can't recommend this experience since it was pretty damn difficult.

Doesn't look like much but I can tell you, that amount of stuff weighed like an African savanna elephant. Not sure which one of the objects seen in the pics weights the most; PS5, our bags, a monitor or my leg.

Luckily the train trip to Oulu only takes like an hour or so. When we arrived at the train station there was a bit of confusion about the location of our taxi I had ordered via app but eventually things got sorted out, we got into the Tesla (that was driven by a very new taxi driver, I remember him telling us that it was actually the first customer ride he had given!) and soon we were at our hotel - the trusted Sokos Hotel Arina at the very center of Oulu.

This time our room was salmon-themed!

We relaxed for a while until one of us exclaimed feeling hungry. We begun to brainstorm where we wanted to eat; originally we had thought about the Itsudemo sushi buffet we had eaten at last Matsucon or the Chinese restaurant near the train station but faced a couple of problems (the former would have likely been pretty crowded at that time of the day and the latter was a bit of a walk away and neither of us had energy for that) so we did the only thing we could do at that very moment: opened Google Maps and begun scrolling restaurants.
After only a couple of minutes Shiro Samurai noticed that literally on the other side of the street was Cantina, a restaurant with Italian cuisine. Since pizza sounded good for both of us we decided to go there - and holy fuck the food was good the only minus was that I took ages eating it because of chewing and swallowing problems! I also had a glass of red wine; I don't usually drink it since it might trigger a migraine attack but this one was light and tasted very good. 


After eating we walked back to the hotel, did our dailies and... I guess went to sleep pretty early since we would also have to wake up very early.

On Saturday morning the lag was bad. We were barely able to drag ourselves to have breakfast (but managed just because we had kind of paid for that when we paid for the hotel room) and after we came back to the room it felt almost like a mission impossible to start putting on my costume. I guess I'm seriously getting a bit too old for this or something - at least too old for getting up way too early... But, well, duty called and that was a reason good enough to take a shower and start dressing up as Alicia from Moomin! She has always been one of my favorite characters in the series and well, the costume is easy to wear and I hadn't debuted her earlier so yeah, now was definitely time for that!

A selfie! Non-edited since it would have eaten the little quality there is to begin with (hence why the huge file size).

We took a taxi to the convention place and walked in. Our first mission was to find the green room since Shiro Samurai would spend the majority of his weekend there - and when we asked about it, the directions were pretty much like this: "Go down the stairs, see that the door doesn't get locked, and walk down the dark corridor to find the green room - nobody has found a light switch in the corridor yet so feel free to look for one." :'D We navigated with those directions and found the smol green room pretty soon.
I decided to sit there for a while to keep Shiro Samurai company since I didn't have anything better to do at that point of the day; the cosplay competition judging would begin in the afternoon so I had hours only lonely of spare time and didn't really want to spend all of them alone.

A couple of pics from the Artisans' Alley. At the time it wasn't so crowded but most of the day it was hard to move around there.

I think I paid a few visits to both Artisans' Alley and Artists' Alley during the morning (and in the beginning of the day we had also dropped some stuff at the con's flea market) but it was very, very crowded and warm and I could feel my anxiety creeping up. I quickly decided to hang out in more calm places before seeing this year's guest of honor, Magdalena Hai. She is one of my favorite youngster/young adult literature writers and she didn't let us down with her wonderful speech about a writer's power and responsibility! <3

I also gathered up courage and talked to her - she was so nice! We even took a selfie together but I'm not going to post it here since the quality is... Hideous.

After Hai's speech I decided to walk around for a while before it was my time to start working. I decided to check the downstairs of the building, mainly the lobby area where there were a few merchants - including Niramuchu Art & Design from who I have bought a few pieces of jewellery and key chains - and the info desk.

Said info desk and some congoers.

Kummacon is a LGBTQ+ friendly con and it shows! <3

Kummacon is also a visibly LGBTQ+ friendly convention and it shows; they actually also host queer literacy themed panels and everything! It's so important that people under the rainbow - no matter where there they are - have a safe space and feel welcome I guess it goes without saying at this point that I'm also one of them since I've been pretty open about it since the very beginning. It saddens me a lot that it's literally year 2024 and safety still isn't granted without objections for people who belong in the minority, be it because of gender, sexual orientation, skin color or whatever the reason. If anything it seems that world is filling with hatred once again; all the wars, politics, everything indicates that way. This is apparently not a good time to be alive.
But yeah, let's continue before I get too stuck on Doomsday scenarios that aren't really relevant to this summary lol.

Anyway, soon it was time to start the judging. I was one of the three, the other ones being Reetta and Yuri who were both so nice to work with! We had 9 contestants in total (would have been more but a few didn't show up) and I must say that it wasn't an easy decision to make who would get a prize! Kummacon's cosplay competition is pretty low-threshold and a lot of the contestants were beginners, just as I expected - and in my opinion each one of those who go to the stage in front of the audience are winners, it's not that easy especially for the first time! <3
After the cosplay contest - that went quite smoothly - I begun to feel a bit worn out and tired. I'm not sure if it had anything to do with the warmth and all but yeah, I just felt like I would like to go to the hotel already... But I couldn't. 

And why is that?
Well, one reason was that Shiro Samurai hadn't finished working for the day. The second reason was that I had my own program to host: a book talk called "Mitä tänään luettaisiin?" ("What should we read today?")! I do book talks as a part of my job as a librarian anyway so I figured that I could host one in Kummacon too - especially since the con also concentrates on literacy. For those who don't know, a book talk means someone giving book/reading suggestions to the audience. I had a few people listening to my suggestions; thank you for coming to listen to me and not caring about PowerPoint that decided to throw a tantrum and not work <3
After the book talk I went to the green room... And a weird conversation took place. I can't remember every detail of it but it started with discussing about Eurovision, different genders and identities (and I would like to point out that everyone who discussed the topic was open-minded and respectful even though our humor was pretty tired at that point of the day). Pretty soon the discussion... Escalated a bit and I think someone said something along the lines "But you must always remember that the right answer is Canada" - this has a lot to do with a Finnish humor show called Kummeli where one character always answered "Canada", no matter what the right answer was. I did a quick math in my mind and quickly participated in the conversation by saying "So nobody can fight me if I just say that I identify as Canada since it will always be the right answer!". That made a couple of people laugh :'D

At some point we could finally call ourselves a cab - but not before taking some proof pics of my Alicia cosplay! <3 I will post the pictures in a separate post.
When we got to the hotel I could feel screaming food and coffee needs... So we first walked to a nearby Hesburger, ate some nuggets I guess I would really need a rehab or something and then went to Coffee House, a café located in Kauppakeskus Valkea.

So delicious <3

I can't remember what we did after our coffee moment but I don't really think we did that much, likely packed some of our stuff and went to sleep since we were both pretty tired.

I don't have that much to say about Sunday - except that I got promoted to work as another green room volunteer so Shiro Samurai could have his scheduled breaks. If I have anything negative to say about Kummacon, it's the fact that there were not enough people working there. It's not Kummacon's fault really - it's hard to get people to work at conventions, especially at ones that have a free entrance to begin with. It's also a fact that life these days is a lot more stressful and hectic than it was for example 10 years ago so people are more tired and literally just want to have fun on their days off - and there is nothing wrong with that! However, conventions also need their volunteers so the events can be held and everything can be done as smoothly as possible. So if you ever want to try out working in a convention and are able to travel to Oulu, I could really suggest working at Kummacon; I'm very likely to volunteer next year too! <3
Sunday was a bit hectic and stressful and let's just say that I won't write everything that happened here (I'm, unfortunately, quite temperamental especially when I'm tired and Shiro Samurai had the not-so-wanted "privilege" to enjoy it - still sorry about that). However everything got sorted out eventually so yeah, a happy ending and so on.

I still had some time to walk around on Sunday too; you can see Onismi Apparel's booth in the picture.

When the con closed its doors we helped around a bit (namely with cleaning up the green room and hoarding food that would have otherwise gone to waste) and left since we had a train to catch.

...except that the train was late for at least an hour since someone had decided to end their life (or at least tried to do so) in Helsinki by jumping on the tracks and getting hit by a train - at least we assume that is what happened since the reason for the train being late was "personal injury" which is the nicer way to say someone has tried to do something like that. I know that right now it's very difficult to get any help for mental health problems, especially in Southern Finland so it's no wonder that people suffer... However, jumping on the tracks doesn't solve anything. Find someone who listens to you and helps you carry the burden of life until you get the help you need. Darkness isn't eternal - even if in that very moment it felt like it.
When we finally got to Kemi I drove Shiro Samurai home and spent a night at his place since I was too tired to drive back anymore. That was the end of our Kummacon journey this year - and yes, I'm definitely going to attend next year too, maybe even volunteer if I have time! <3 The journey this year definitely had its bumps yet it also had bright highlights; overall I enjoyed the con and the weekend overall.

I still have a couple of con summaries to write but I'm finally catching up with my posting schedule! Next one will be a Nekocon 2024 summary - stay tuned! <3 

Until next time.


keskiviikko 7. elokuuta 2024

Matsucon 2023 - Life purpose: being a filler episode

 With no quality at all.

As always, I'm very late with this summary. Life has been busy, I have been busy and, to be honest, way too mentally exhausted to keep up with the posting schedule I had made for myself. I have already attended THREE CONVENTIONS this year (...and next Matsucon is on the upcoming weekend...) so yeah, going to write those summaries too pretty soon. But let's get into the topic before I sidetrack myself for good.

The official Matsucon poster.

(All pics in this post © Shiro Samurai if not mentioned otherwise.)

So Matsucon 2023 was held in Oulu 28th-29th of October. I had arrived at north a bit earlier - I still lived in the south at this point - since hey, it was not economically very clever to travel to the north for one weekend. However, this proved to be a very clever solution otherwise too.
The title of this blog post comes from the very simple fact that I literally was a damn filler episode of my own life - or, well, a filler episode for cosplay contest. You see, I had decided to compete as Alcina Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8. Since there is no WIP post I guess you can guess what happened: making the patterns turned out to be way too challenging - especially when I would have had to make a damn corset too. Since I'm not too skilled at patterning or sewing I decided "screw that" and sent a message to the con workers if I could change my costume to another. The answer was yes. 

...probably needless to say that I fucked that up too. Don't ask. I guess I was way too stressed at that very moment; I had just moved to another apartment, knew that I would have to start preparing for another moving process, I was finishing my thesis AND on top of everything I was working full-time. I didn't have too many extra hours in my days and, sadly, that resulted in stress which resulted in miscalculations and mistakes. So yeah, I had to send yet another message if I could compete with my Just Be Friends!Luka Megurine.

The very same Luka I had made for Nekocon that doesn't even closely resemble any known reference pictures?
And why would I make a decision such as that one? The answer: Matsucon had a bit of a struggle finding contestants and I seriously didn't have a heart to tell them I wouldn't come and compete. When I got the "yes" as an answer to my question about changing the character again I decided to take this opportunity to gather some more stage experience and just to have fun.
But that doesn't mean that some blood and tears wouldn't have been shed or well, luckily not literally blood since I was working on a white costume. You see, I decided that I would at least try to fix the length and some other issues with the costume and that... Didn't go nearly as smoothly as I thought it would. Luckily I got everything fixed in time but wouldn't have managed without help. I had made massive mistakes with the costume and... Yeah, let's just say that my brain was already on overdrive so yeah, making any logical solutions was practically impossible. Had I tried to make the changes on my own I highly doubt I would have gotten them done.

We also ran into another problem - and by we I mean Shiro Samurai and I. You see, we have played World of Warships: Legends for a few years now (he longer than I have) and when the con weekend was approaching, a horrible realization dawned upon us. You see, on that very same weekend a certain event we had been playing for a month on a daily basis - a calendar type of thing - would come to an end, which would mean that we should take a gaming console with us. Well, that actually wasn't the greatest problem - after all a PS4 isn't that hard to transport - but rather the lack of a monitor. At first I thought "we are going to stay at a hotel so it should be fine" until I started doubting my cognitive processes and called the hotel.
Thank greater powers I did. The woman who answered the phone told me that some genius had tried to plug their gaming console to the room's television which had resulted to the television falling down from the wall and breaking into a hundred little pieces. So no, that clearly wasn't an option. 

The next one I asked for help was Sallukka; we knew that Shiro Samurai's small monitor was at their place and I asked them if they could bring the monitor to us. Unfortunately they didn't have time; they had a morning shift on that Friday and after it they and Dongrieg would start driving to Oulu. Understandable; they had made their schedules way before we realized we were being a bit dum dum. This resulted in crossing over this option but not finding a solution.
Since cancelling going to a con would have been a little bit overkill we started to think about our very few options. After some time I told Shiro Samurai to ask on Discord - he was working for the con - if someone could borrow a monitor for the weekend so he could do our dailies whenever he would have some time off from his duties. Luckily the Gaming Gods finally smiled at us and someone called Marko told us he could help us. I never personally met him during the con but I'm more than very thankful to him; otherwise we would have basically thrown a month-long process down the well.

Aaaaand now to the actual con summary.

We took a train to Oulu on Friday evening. We decided to walk to the hotel (and quickly decided that this would be a taxi traveling weekend since holy shit it was cold), namely Sokos Hotel Arina in the middle of the city. Our room was pretty cool; it was tar-themed and very comfortable.


Aaand I kind of made it go boom. Oops.

During the evening we didn't do that much; just relaxed, ate way too much at the Itsudemo sushi buffet and watched some television programs before going to sleep.
It took a while to get some sleep this time; usually I fall asleep a few seconds after closing my eyes and sometimes even in the middle of the sentence lol) but this time it took a while; I guess I was a bit nervous about the cosplay contest after all, even though I wasn't really going to take it too seriously. 

The Saturday morning came and we dragged ourselves to get some breakfast. I'm not too sure if either of us really had the appetite but hey, a hotel breakfast is a hotel breakfast, one simply doesn't skip it since there will be no second breakfast. After eating we dragged ourselves back to the room for a short while until Shiro Samurai had to leave for the con and I begun to put on my cosplay. We didn't go there together on Saturday since his working shifts begun quite early and I wasn't too happy about the idea of waiting outside (I wasn't working so no 'early access') for at least half an hour in something that's practically a summer dress. No thank you. 

The con entrance. There would have been some shelter in case snowing happened but still, no thanks to waiting outside in the cold.

Lobby of the con venue. It was pretty crowded most of the time.


The info desk was also located in the lobby.


After an hour or so I had put on my costume and called myself a cab. I can sincerely recommend the company called Menevä Taksi; pretty cheap and I have never gotten fooled by them or anything. It didn't take too long to arrive at the convention place where I quickly fetched my contestant number and then... Eh... I guess I sat down to wait for Sallukka (who was also competing) and Dongrieg to arrive. I briefly met Shiro Samurai too, told him I was feeling surprisingly okay and then just... Continued waiting.

#ipromisewereallywerenotdrunk #noididnothaveachancetocovermytattoos


We mostly sat near the cafeteria. I managed to drink one cup of coffee without feeling like I'd get sick. I think it counts as a success.

 Luckily they arrived at the con pretty soon. Sallukka was notably more nervous than I was but that's more than understandable: they were actually serious about competing. Loved your costume btw, it was so cool and I can't wait to photoshoot it! <3
Soon it was time for me to get my costume photographed and judged - which didn't take too long since I told the judges (who were very nice btw) that I was just kind of getting some more stage experience after a long hiatus and wasn't competing "too seriously". Tbh I still don't think I did anything wrong; there weren't too many contestants in the end so I don't think I "stole" anyone else's place and, well, getting more stage experience is always good, especially if you want to keep on competing!

The day went by pretty fast - I think I didn't really do anything before the competition since, well, I didn't really feel like it. I was feeling a bit nauseous panic/anxiety disorder says hello and not that social at all; I think I mainly spoke with Sallukka, Dongrieg and occasionally Shiro Samurai when I happened to see him. Part of my nausea was probably because I hadn't eaten anything since breakfast but had I eaten I surely would have gotten sick.

Had time to check out the merchants though! A photo from above the Merchants' Hall.

Same place, different angle.



Aaand same place, downstairs.

Soon it was time to go to check out the stage. I have actually been there once before; I competed with my Teutonic Knight!Prussia in Matsucon 2017 so I kind of knew what to expect. Except for the fake smoke; it was hard to see where we were supposed to walk to and pose, especially when only the stage lights were on! Also I heard afterwards that the amount of the fake smoke caused some people respiratory problems and nausea so yeah, maybe tone it down a bit for 2024? ^^'

After checking out the stage we went to hang out at the backstage room and derped with other contestants. They all were so nice and easy to talk to!
At this point I would like to say a huge thank you to the cosplay contest organizers: you all were wonderful. The contest was very well planned, it was on schedule and the "cosplay mamas" were all very nice and supportive. Thank you! <3

Pretty soon it was THE TIME - also known as the time to go to the stage. I think that despite my costume being kind of a mess I managed pretty well; sewing, wig styling etc. aren't actually my strong points but being on stage and performing? Count me in! I actually had a lot of fun during those 10-15 seconds I spent on stage even though I knew I wasn't being "the best version of myself" as a cosplayer. But, probably because of that exact thing, I managed to relax and actually focus better on my stage performance. So yeah, I could say I got what I wanted.
Sallukka's turn was soon after me and after their turn they came to sit next to me. I remember them saying something along the lines "Well, now it's over so I can sit here and enjoy the rest of the competition" - well, we DID enjoy watching the other contestants' costumes etc. However, the best thing was yet to happen: Sallukka actually won one of the theme prizes (I think it was for the best accessory?)!! <3 My friend, I know you are reading this so take this to heart: I'm so proud of you - not only because of winning the prize but also for beating the stage fear and actually going up there <3

After the competition I went to the dressing room, took off my cosplay, did a quick check around the con building and then moved outside to wait for Shiro Samurai. We had made plans to meet up with Sallukka and Dongrieg for a coffee (they had already left the con for Saturday) so after Shiro Samurai's shifts were over for Saturday we called a cab, went to the hotel and called Sallukka that we were ready. Soon the pair arrived at the hotel and we went to grab some coffee and some delicious pastries.

This was _delicious_. Coffee House ftw.

And, after that, we decided to check a nearby bar where we had the random encounter of the weekend :'D I was chatting with Sallukka and then noticed that a middle-aged (or so I assume since I didn't see that well, it was pretty dark in the bar) woman was coming closer to us. Soon she had reached our table and given Shiro Samurai nothing short of a heart attack since she just casually leaned over his shoulder and he didn't notice her until she, well, was there and just stared at us for a few seconds. I was going through all the possible scenarios in my head but it turned out to be the best one: she smiled at us and said "I don't know you, I have never seen you here before, but I love you all" and then she just left and joined her own company again. It was pretty wholesome to be honest.

Apparently there was a paparazzi among us too :'D And yes, that beanie is actually the same one I made for my Alex Cloudmill cosplay back in 2015!

After the bar Sallukka and Dongrieg decided to go to their hotel and we went to ours after I had munched a notable amount of nuggets at Hesburger. We didn't do too much during the evening since we were pretty tired; however we watched a few movies/short movies. The first one was called The Blind Man Who Did Not Want To See Titanic - a drama movie about a blind person who unfortunately trusts wrong people when he tries to travel to meet his loved one. At times the movie was a bit unsettling but I'd say it was kind of an indie masterpiece - I truly liked it.
The next one we watched - or, well, I think I paid more attention to the TV - was called Tuulikki. The short movie seemingly tells about a problematic teenager who is being difficult and sometimes even scary - however it couldn't have been farther from the truth...
The final one was a comedy called The Planet Far Away (Kaukainen planeetta) which was a black-and-white silent short movie. It was both sad and funny at the same time.
After the last movie we went to sleep pretty soon since, like I said, both of us were tired.

Sunday morning came. We went to get some breakfast and after that we just lazied around for a while before we started putting on our costumes. Shiro Samurai cosplayed one of his OCs and I put on a gothic-inspired alternative fashion outfit. And almost lost my mind with the false eyelashes since I managed to glue them... Well, pretty much everywhere else but the place I was supposed to glue them at :I
After finally being ready we called a cab and went to the con. I stayed outside, took a few selfies and then the doors opened to the con goers.

There were a few programs I attended on Sunday: the lolita fashion show hosted by Cloudberry lady, a lecture about lolita fashion and a haiku workshop. I don't usually spend that much time in different programs but well, I found these all very interesting - especially the lecture about lolita fashion since it was very detailed and told about the history of the said style well. I didn't really know that much before attending the lecture so it sure was worth it!
I didn't do much else during Sunday tbh, at least I don't remember I would have. Sallukka took a pic of my outfit (see below) and I took a "cosplay proof" pic of Shiro Samurai but after that... Eh... I don't think I did anything except for aimlessly wandering around for a while?

This is what I looked like on Sunday. And yes, it was cold.
Dress: Gothicana by EMP
Ouija necklace: bunicorn_design
Lenses: Luna and Sol Glowing Blue

When the con was nearing its end me and Shiro Samurai checked the Artists' Alley to see if there was still something we wanted to buy. I remember there indeed was _something_ buuuut since it's literally been almost a year I have no idea which products I bought then and which ones earlier.

Part of the Artists' Alley.

The flea market (or, well, part of it)!


And of course there was also a chance to play board games!

And soon after that Matsucon 2023 was over! I exited the doors, waited for Shiro Samurai to be able to leave the place and eventually left for the hotel with him. By taxi. I still wasn't fine with the idea of walking around in my outfit when it was literally snowing.
We stayed a night after the con at the hotel since I had planned to leave for the south on Monday (it was more clever considering my working shifts; there's no way I could sit a whole night in a train and then happily be at work on the morning, uh uh, it's a no no) - which I did. And still have no regrets about this decision since it made our Sunday evening less stressful and we were actually able to relax after the con and eat in a budget-friendly place aka Burger King instead of having to rush to the train.

I guess that's all... For now.
Like I said, I'm again very late with a few of my summaries, I still have circle lens reviews to write etc. so yeah, I should really get more active with blogging. Planning to buy a laptop soon so it might make it a bit easier to write no matter where I am (I only have a PC so yeah, can't exactly just take it with me wherever I go).

See you again soon!
Until next time.
