perjantai 11. tammikuuta 2019

Cob photoshoot!

 So hello~!

These pictures are very, VERY late since these were taken in NärCon NärCob ehehehee 2017. I have a couple of reasons for that. First, I got accepted into school and during the time I spent on computer I didn't do pretty much anything else than school projects and customized websites for my customers. Second, my old computer pretty much died - I guess all those Adobe programs were too much for its capacity. Third, I didn't want to bother anybody else by asking for editing these pics - or actually, I asked Shiro Samurai once but never sent photos to him since I didn't want to bother him in the end ^^"

But yes, here they are~!

UPDATE 28.06.2020: I got contacted by the Therru cosplayer a couple of weeks ago and got permission to upload the photos here (thank you very much! <3). We both agreed on the poses one can see in the photos. I would never, I repeat never, do anything like that without a permission. If the poses seem weird to you, watch the movie since they're literally from it. Thank you. 

Character: Lord Cob 
Series: Tales from Earthsea
Model, costume & edit: yours truly
Photographer: Shiro Samurai

The lightning conditions were pretty harsh so this photo required equally harsh editing - but hey, I think the darkness works pretty well in this picture!

And the best one of this pose. We didn't have much time to take these photos so there weren't that many to begin with, but I like this photo pretty much! :D


What were you thinking, I wouldn't publish the derp pictures? Well, of course I do that! >D

This whole costume was trolling me the whole day so at some point I just had to troll at something too :'D

When you're sure you'll catch Arren...
...but in the end you don't. :(
So, now this post is complete!
I would also thank my photographer for patience - I would've posted these photos earlier had I had the time and equipment to do so. I'm still very pleased with these pictures so thank you! <3

'Til next time~!


4 kommenttia:

  1. Wow it feels crazy to see these pics after so long, I barely remembered what they looked like. xD I still think you fit Cob perfectly and I wonder would you be up for rewearing this for a pair cosplay? A part of me kinda wants to do Arren. :D

    Also, the trollface killed me. XD

    1. Yeah, I had the same feeling when I was going through them xD And of course I'm up to it~! :D

      Trololololoo XD

  2. Omg forgot how amazing you look as Cob! He just fits you so well~<3 and that Therru is just adorable <3 Happy to see these! :D

    1. Thank you so much! :') <3 And yes, the Therru cosplayer is so adorable and was so nice to talk to! (:

      Thank you, again~ <3
