Cosplay year 2017.
This year I concentrated more on photoshoots than conventions. Despite it I managed to host my first convention, Euran Mangapäivä II. And yes, it still feels surreal.
I made three new costumes, borrowed a few and photoshooted a couple of old cosplays. x)
I won't make a cosplay compilation pic because I'm lazy
My favourite cosplay this year
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Avalon from StarStable Online. Photo © Picair. |
I actually would've wanted to compete with this costume but sadly my version isn't the most original one. In the game itself Avalon's face, hair and hands can't be seen. This is how I pretty much imagined him to look like.
I debuted this costume in Yukicon and wore it again when I modeled for my classmates.
The only contest cosplay this year
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Teutonic Knights!Prussia from Hetalia: Axis Powers. Photo © Shiro Samurai. |
I don't really like this cosplay that much. So many mistakes, I failed the make-up when I was in a hurry, I should've cut the wig... -__-"
But, well, I've made worse cosplays too. *looks at Conchita Wurst from 2015*
I borrowed the costume for Shiro Samurai at NärCon Sommar 2017. I've only worn this costume once and it was at Matsucon in March.
For a Swedish convention
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Lord Cob from Tales from Earthsea. Pic © Shiro Samurai. edit by me. |
Mainly making this was just a joke between me and Shiro Samurai but well, I like this character a lot anyways.
Costume is made by me. My uncle helped me to make the staff. Going to wear Cob for another photoshoot, hopefully in the near future! And probably for some conventions too, not sure yet.
So, those are the costumes I made myself... Then the borrowed ones! x)
Just for photoshoot
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Japan from Hetalia: Axis Powers. Photo © Shiro Samurai. |
For Euran Mangapäivä
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Sasuke Uchiha (own design). Photo © Shiro Samurai. |
And I didn't have any costumes I could've worn... Ayame was my first choice but the jacket is in very bad condition and I'll repair it this year. I want to cosplay the awesome snek again! <3
(Believe it or not, Sasuke and Japan have the same wig.)
I also cosplayed mafia!Francis Bonnefoy in NärCon. I have a pic of him but, well, guess do I have the photo in this PC... Nope, it's in my
At Tracon I didn't cosplay anything - the lecture I was supposed to keep with one of my friends had to be cancelled and my grandfather died just a day before Tracon so... Yeah, I didn't have the hype to make that lecture myself and I'm very sorry about that.
I didn't have a ticket so I just hung around in the yard and gave photoshoots for the few of my friends. I'm going to publish some of those pics at some point - I still haven't had time to edit all of them and I'm very, very sorry about it too! D:
I know that I haven't been very active with blogging these days but well, personal things. Nothing bad but something that takes time - and money - a lot.
But I'll be back in business sooner than you think - and I promise that! <3
Sincerely yours,
Thank you so much! <3
VastaaPoistaI hope so too - well, I won't be making any new cosplays in near future because renovating the house takes a lot of money. But when we both have time etc. I'm up for the German bros! ^^
Thank you. Best of luck for 2018 to you too! :)