...I know my summaries are often a bit late but this must be a record or something since the event was held in the end of May - 27th of May to be precise. This will be quite photo heavy post since the event itself was pretty small and thus I don't have that much to say about it - doesn't mean I wouldn't have enjoyed my time there though.
But, anyway.
Like I stated, Sastamalan cosplay-päivä (Sastamala´s cosplay day), was held on 27th of May and since it doesn't take longer than approximately one hour to drive there I thought "why not" and decided to pay a visit to this small cosplay event held at Sastamala's library. My company (and photographer) for the con was Shiro Samurai who happened to be in Southern Finland at the time.
(All pics © Shiro Samurai.)
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Event schedule poster. |
The library entrance. |
Sastamala is pretty familiar town to me since I have visited my friend there for a few times - still had to ask Google Maps for help though when it came to the issue of navigating but we found our way to the library pretty easily after I had taken one wrong turn lol. The event had already started by the time we got there but we were still there in time - in other words, the cosplay competition was just about to start when we walked in.
The immediate view after walking into the library. |
There were surprisingly many contestants - a lot more than for example at Euran Mangapäivä (Eura's manga day) a few years ago, even though the conventions were quite similar otherwise (read: small library events in small towns)! The contestants were of varying ages but I think that most of them were basically kids. Since most kids are known to be shy it meant that they practically walked to the stage, stayed there for a few seconds to make a couple of different poses and then walked off the stage. I think a couple of them spoke a few words to the mic but most of them didn't have the courage - which is obviously totally okay, it's not that easy! The competition took approximately 15 minutes and after that the judges made their final decisions about the winners.
The four winners were announced soon after the competition and I think both me and Shiro Samurai were surprised by the quality of the prizes - I mean, huge plush animals, anyone? It may have resulted in me wanting a big plush unicorn which I'm still yet to buy...
Cosplay competition in full swing! The lady in red and black kitsune costume works at Sastamala's library and was the main organizer of the event. |
Winners of the cosplay competition. |
After the competition I think we went to take a proof pic of my witch inspired outfit and then went to check the small space that was for Artist's Alley and merchants. I think I dropped my jaw luckily I´ve got two eiku when I saw a big name selling their stuff there, namely Bard & Jester - I mean, this really was a small event so seeing them there was very surprising.
...well, until we learnt that they actually have a shop at Sastamala. That explains a lot - it still left a smile on my face though since this is exactly what "support your local" means, be it merchant or event tai kyläbaari. Way to go, Bard & Jester! <3
They have so much nice stuff in sale <3 |
After checking out the Artist's Alley I chatted with the main organizer of the event for a while. Turned out the event was more successful than it was last year and that made me smile; these small events really are needed as a starting step for beginners and as a breather of more seasoned congoers. I really hope that Sastamala's cosplay day will be held in the future too!
We also took a quick check on the activities held in the library - to be honest there were more than I had expected beforehand. One could, for example, decorate a balloon to their liking, take part in a lottery draw (Sastamala's cosplay day had its own merchandise - still regretting that I didn't buy a coffee mug even though I have way too many coffee mugs already) and read and, if one had a library card to PIKI-kirjastot (Pirkanmaan Kirjastot also known as Pirkanmaa's libraries), loan theme-fitting books!
Themed books! |
Congoers decorating balloons. |
After that we left the library, paid a visit to a nearby Lidl to get some energy drinks it's pretty essential that the driver stays awake and drove to my place to hang out until Shiro Samurai had to leave for the North.
And that's how our Sastamala's cosplay day went! It was nice to see that many congoers at the library; even though library cons have become more and more popular it can't be taken for granted that an event would be a success. This one, however, definitely was; the congoers had fun and the ones who took part to the cosplay competition sure gained a lot of experience and confidence! <3 The library cons (pretty much all of them, at least afaik) are free too and that's a big thumbs up from me. Many times going to a con requires quite a lot of money (ticket, traveling, sleeping accommodation/airbnb/hotel etc.) and not everyone can afford it, especially in this financial situation that doesn't seem to get any better...
I sure wish to see Sastamala's cosplay day happening in the future too and will be happy to attend it again! <3
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My witch-inspired outfit of the day! Necklace: Niramuchu Art & Design | |
Sooo... I also have other summaries (and circle lens reviews) that I should write and I sure hope to find some time to do so. I'm writing my thesis at the moment and just trying to get it done so I would graduate in planned schedule.
Next post will also be a con summary - I attended Nekocon in July - so stay tuned!
(Oh! I also bought a few magnets from aroaava and even took a pic of my con loot but the pic disappeared when my phone broke. I will upload a pic here when I take a new one.)
- Firith