Animecon is getting closer and my application for the cosplay contest has been accepted! I'm working on Chikane Himemiya's costume from Kannazuki no Miko and pretty soon I'll write a WIP post about it. The trousers for this costume are almost ready and I also have almost all other materials waiting in my closet.
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Tämä neiti siis./I mean this young lady. |
Nimimerkkini on StoneAsh2099, jos joku haluaa esimerkiksi ystäväkseen minut siellä lisäillä.
I've also played Pottermore almost too actively. For ten years I've said that if I went to Hogwarts I would be sorted into Slytherin. The Sorting Hat agreed with me. Mostly I brew potions since dueling doesn't seem to be my thing. I've also investigated the story line pretty much.
My nickname there is StoneAsh2099 if somebody wants to add me as a friend there for example.
Sain myös ajokortin. Ensimmäisellä kerralla inssi ei mennyt läpi, mutta toisella kerralla meni aika kirkkaasti. En ole kovin suuri ajamisen fani, mutta toisaalta onhan tuosta nyt hyötyä jo ollut. Alunperin minun piti myös ajella Kuopioon, mutta äidin loma sitten siirtyikin sen verran, ettei onnistunut sitten se suunnitelma.
I also have a driving license now. At first I didn't pass the driving test but I managed to do that at the second try. I don't like driving that much but on the other hand the license has been useful. I was also supposed to drive to Kuopio in July but my mother doesn't have vacation then --> I don't have a car so that plan doesn't succeed.
Myös töitä löytyi kesäksi Eskimon tehtaalta. Hieman jännittää, mitä siitäkin mahtaa tulla, mutta eiköhän se siitä!
I also got a summer job from a Finnish factory called Eskimo. I'm a bit nervous but I guess that I'll do alright!
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Kuva Googlesta./Picture from Google. |
I also passed all of my matriculation exams which means that I'm a baccalaureate now. At least I don't have to stress anymore because of it.
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Kuva Googlesta./Picture from Google. |
I spent the May Day at Tampere with my friends. Unfortunately I don't have any group pictures >__<
When we went to a bar I dressed up as Conchita Wurst. I'll also cosplay the said person at Tracon ^__^ Peoples' reactions were hilarious: one person said that I reminded him about a Finnish film character Uuno Turhapuro (seriously), one person tried to invade my personal space and one just couldn't decide if I was a man or a woman. This happened at Rodeo.
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Minä Conchitana./Me as Conchita. |
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Uuno Turhapuro. En nyt ihan tiedä, kuinka paljon häntä muistutan./Uuno Turhapuro. I don't quite know if I really remind people of him that much. |
Myös Turun yliopiston pääsykokeissa tuli käytyä. Heinäkuuhun asti pitäisi tuloksia odotella. Jos tämä nyt ei onnistu, taidan VNF: n kautta hakea Karjaalle valokuvauslinjalle.
I also took an entrance exam to University of Turku. I'll get the results in July. If this doesn't work now I guess that I'll send an application to VNF - I would study to become a photographer. If I'll get accepted to that program I'll move to Karjaa instead of Turku.
Siinäpä käytännössä kaikki, mitä tässä on nyt tapahtunut. Cossin ompelua tässä pikkuhiljaa pitäisi jatkaa... Onneksi en Desuun ole menossa, ei tarvitse kiirehtiä niin paljon. Etteköhän te taas meikäläisestä pian kuule! o7
I guess that I did remember almost everything that has happened now. I should continue sewing my costume pretty soon... Thank goodness I'm not going to Desucon so I'm not in that much of a hurry. I guess that I'll post pretty soon again! o7